Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fashion Commentary:Falling in love with fashion

They belong in the bedroom; but for some reason I've seen them at the grocery store; restaurants and the movies...I am referring to pajama pants!

Why? Why is there a need to wear these everywhere? When did it become acceptable to leave the house in something that clearly should only be worn in the comfort of your own home.

I consider the wearing of pajama pants in public a fashion indescretion; do they come out of the house because of laziness? Do we really think that while wearing them no one notices or that we are just "sneaking" around in them?

I always remember an article I read about a celebrity commenting when someone said that she always looks so put together and she said, well wouldn't you if the paparazzi were waiting outside your house? Consider that the next time you think about leaving the house in pajama pants.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Closet D.I.Y-Travel into the new decade in style

Now it's time to take this month's fashion commentary and style inspiration and put it to use.

Go into your closet and put on the last "outfit"you wore while traveling. Take a photo. Does it embody a "jet-setter"? Do you feel comfortable? Is it practical? and most importantly; is it stylish?

Those are the 3 most important things to consider while you travel; comfort,practicality and style.

Now go back into your closet and find some items that can fit into your travel wardrobe. See what outfits you can put together that would work for traveling; then the next time you go on a trip you will have it all figured out and it won't seem like an after thought

Do you have that one essential travel item; something that you can't travel without? For me it's a great scarf. I know; not too much of a surprise for those who know me, but it's great for keeping warm on the plane and even if I'm going to someplace warm, it can always be used as a wrap for the evening, plus it always adds a nice pop of color to my outfit.

So get in that closet and have some fun!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Style Inspiration: Travel into the new decade in style

"Jet Set"; definition:Journalistic term used to describe an international social group of wealthy people who organize and participate in social activities across the globe unreachable to ordinary people. A lifestyle of traveling from one stylish and exotic place to the other...

Whether this describes you as you travel or not, I do find it an inspiring term to think of when you travel. Don't be one of the "ordinary People", embrace the inspiration of a "jet Setter", even if it is just your routine business trip to that same familiar place.

I think if we can bring that type of "romance" back into traveling it will inspire us all to bump our style up to first class.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fashion Commentary:Travel into the new decade in style

So I had the privilege of doing some traveling over the holiday break and as I was at the airport I realized that this was a great place to do some people watching; why? because I was asking myself what are people wearing these days to travel in?!Does anyone care what they look like when traveling anymore?

I get it; you want to be comfortable, but there are different ways to do that than wearing the dreaded pajama pants or hospital scrubs. Yes, you have to sit on a plane for a couple of hours, but it's not Chinese torture chamber.

There was a time when travel was a special occasion, a privilege, where people took it upon themselves to take some pride in what they looked like. Think comfy, practical and stylish...and yes that combination does exist,it just takes a little more time than rolling out of bed, or at least looking like you just rolled out of bed.

So please take a little more time and pride in your looks when traveling; people are taking notice.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year

New Years is one of my favorite holidays. Who wouldn't love a time to feel like there's a clean slate, a new beginning and a fresh start. As you can see I've decided to take that attitude toward this blog with the new style and also a new format.

I wanted to streamline the content; so starting this month you will notice three types of posts; Fashion Commentary, Style Inspiration and Closet D.I.Y.

Each month will start with a new topic to be followed in each post for that month.

I am excited to share with you what I've come up with. I do hope that you enjoy reading it. Please feel free to post comments and share the blog with others you think would enjoy reading it too.



Thursday, December 17, 2009

Who's that girl?

People Watching. Why are we all so fascinated with each other? It's just that curious nature about being human I think. There are so many opinions out there about the "right" style and "what not to wear", which on occasion I agree with too.

About a month ago it was girl's night out at the hockey game, and the best part was the people watching. While women were standing in line for the ladies room we critiqued all of the fashion. While most of it was bad and fun to comment on; have you ever people watched and saw someone where you thought; "that's what I want to look like!"

People watching is one of the best ways to "try on" new looks and attitudes in real life. Finding what you like and don't like while you are out and about is a great way to get some interesting fashion ideas.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Be inspired!

HAND ME DOWNS. A thing of the past you're thinking? Hand me downs always invoke that feeling of being a little kid and getting some shirt that your sister, cousin or neighbor may have worn, something that's not new but new to you that still has some life left in it.

As I have been rummaging around in second hand stores lately, I can't help but think of the life that these great pieces of clothes had before I found them. Recently, I purchased a black sequined top ( $3) and a purple velvet blazer ($5) both very trendy items for the fall. I love wearing them, feeling like they are the perfect update to my Fall wardrobe that didn't cost that much and have a hidden story to them. Who knew worn clothing could be so fun?!

Also, I recently acquired a pair of workout pants from my coworker that were too short for her. This year my coworker has lost about 20 lbs and is very dedicated to working out. I got these pants when I was in a workout "drought" of my own and ever since then I am very inspired to work out and hope for similar results from these pants.

So be inspired and excited about "hand me downs"; they have a great story to them and are worth it in inspiration alone.